The intense summer heat is one of the main issues dairy producers in India deal with. High temperatures have a negative impact on milk supply and animal health. Taking the animals to a body of water, such as a pond or stream, and submerging the buffaloes for at least four hours a day is the easiest approach to keep them cool. The issue with this strategy is that it is impractical for large dairy farms and not all dairy producers have access to ponds or rivers. Installing a fogger system within the shed is an option.
Techsu provides high pressure fogger systems in various diameters based on the dimensions and design of the shed.
- The installation of a pressure-boosting pump produces water pressure.
- The pump is run at set times by means of a timed device.
- These are installed below the roof of the shed and 20 mm PVC water pipelines should be installed within the shed.
- Two to four feet should separate each fogger.
- Fogger system help to keep inner temperature at lower level
- Before they reach the ground, the majority of these produced droplets evaporate. They lower the shed temperature as they evaporate.
- The water sprayed from the fogger is a very fine mist which evaporates by the time it reaches the ground to a large extent and it is effective in surface cooling
- If you want this fogger system then call this number 8269233078